Lakeland Veterinary utilizes acupuncture to help treat issues such as arthritis, chronic painful disorders, and soft issue injury.
How Does it Work?
During an acupuncture procedure, fine needles are inserted into specific areas of your pet’s body. These specific areas are rich in nerves and vessels. Underlying tissue is stimulated by the inserted needles, which activates your pet’s pain inhibitory system. The brain receives these messages, resulting in the release of neurotransmitters. This release will block pain temporarily. During treatment, changes in blood flow will occur, resulting in a regulated circulation and enhanced immune function.
The acupuncture needles are typically left in the body for 30 minutes. Results may not be immediate, and may require multiple visits before results are seen. Your pet will receive a full exam prior to any acupuncture treatment to confirm they are an ideal candidate for this alternative therapy.
Commonly Treated Conditions
-Hip Dysplasia
-Cancer related pain and nausea
-Neurological conditions
-Muscle Strains
-Neck pain